Create a Business Email Account For FREE

Build online presence with trusted marketing software (en)

 Create a Business Email Account For FREE


Creating a business email account for free with a custom domain can be challenging, as most free options come with limitations or ads.


 However, you can consider a workaround by using a free domain hosting service and a free email service. Here's a simplified way to do it:

1. Get a Free Domain :

   You can obtain a free domain from domain providers like Freenom (e.g., .tk, .ml, .ga, .cf, .gq) or Keep in mind that these free domains may have limitations and are not as professional as paid domains.


2. Sign Up for a Free Email Service :


   You can use email services like Zoho Mail or Yandex.Mail that allow you to use your custom domain for free. Here's how to do it with Zoho Mail:

   - Go to the Zoho Mail website (
   - Sign up for a free account.
   - During the sign-up process, you can choose to use your free domain (e.g.,
   - Follow the setup instructions to verify your domain ownership.

3. Configure DNS Settings :


   You'll need to configure the DNS settings for your free domain to point to the email service provider. The exact steps for this will depend on the domain provider you choose. Refer to their documentation for guidance.


4. Access Your Free Business Email :

   Once the DNS settings are configured and verified, you can start using your custom domain-based email for free.

While this method provides a way to create a business email account with a custom domain for free, please be aware of the limitations and potential issues associated with using free domains. 


Free domain providers may have restrictions, and free email services might not offer the same features and reliability as premium solutions.

For a more professional and reliable business email solution, you may want to consider investing in a paid email hosting service or Google Workspace, as mentioned in the previous response.

Build online presence with trusted marketing software (en)

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