The Golden Rule for Writing Effective and Successful Email Messages

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The Golden Rule for Writing Effective and Successful Email Messages


When composing emails, it's important to keep them concise, regardless of the amount of content you need to convey.


 If you have an extensive message, consider transforming it into a blog post or website copy, and use the email as a brief preview with a link to the full content.

It's worth noting that around 40 percent of emails, as per, are accessed on mobile devices. Therefore, it's advisable to craft your message with mobile users in mind.


 Ideally, your email should be short enough to fit comfortably on a mobile screen without requiring excessive scrolling. Get to the main points swiftly to maintain the reader's interest.


 Aim for an email length of approximately 80 to 100 words to engage readers effectively, regardless of the device they're using.

To create a succinct email, begin with a clear and specific subject line, maintain brevity and clarity in your message, adopt a professional tone, and include only the crucial details.


 Avoid unnecessary information, maintain politeness and respect, and thoroughly proofread the email to ensure clarity and correctness before hitting the send button. 


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