The Strangest Five Facts About Email Marketing

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The Strangest Five Facts About Email Marketing


Email marketing is a powerful tool in the world of digital marketing, but it has its quirks and peculiarities. Here are some of the most unusual facts about email marketing:

1. The First Spam Email:


 The very first spam email was sent in 1978 by Gary Thuerk, promoting a new computer model. He sent it to 393 recipients and faced backlash for it. Little did he know that he was laying the groundwork for a marketing technique that would become a cornerstone of the internet.

2. Optimal Email Length:


 While marketers often debate the ideal email length, research shows that emails with approximately 50-125 words tend to have the highest response rates. Short and to the point can be more effective.

3. Emoji Effect:


 Using emojis in email subject lines can increase open rates. According to one study, emails with emojis in the subject line saw a 56% higher open rate than those without.

4. Tuesday is the Best Day: 


 Studies consistently show that Tuesday is the most effective day to send marketing emails. Subscribers are often more receptive to promotional content mid-week.

5. Segmentation is Key: 


 Segmented email campaigns perform better. Marketers who use segmented email lists see as much as a 760% increase in revenue. Tailoring your content to specific audience segments can yield impressive results.

These oddities showcase the fascinating and ever-evolving world of email marketing, where creativity and data-driven decisions combine to capture the attention of inboxes around the world.

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