Customizing Email Messages in HubSpot with Contact Names

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Customizing Email Messages in HubSpot with Contact Names


To personalize each message in HubSpot with a specific name from your email list, you can use Personalization tokens to automatically rotate names. Here's how you can do it:

1. Set up your campaign:


   - Go to your HubSpot account.

   - Click on "Marketing" on the left sidebar.

   - Choose "Campaigns" and click "Create a campaign" if necessary.

2. Set up the email:


   - Create a new email within the campaign you've created.

   - In the 
HubSpot email editor, click on "Insert" and select "Personalization token."

3. Use the contact's name:


   - Select "Contact's First Name" to insert the contact's name from your email list.

4. Save the email:


   - After inserting the personalization token with the contact's name, you can design the email as you like.

5. Send the email:


   - Once you've finished designing the email, click "Send Email."

HubSpot will replace the personalization token with the contact's name for each person in your email list when sending the email.

This method will make each message in your campaign use the name of the contact from your email list.


 You can also use other personalization tokens to further customize the content in your email messages and make them appear more personalized.

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